Psoriasis presents as a non-infectious skin pathology of a chronic nature. Statistics say that 3. 7% of the world's inhabitants are prone to this disease called scaly lichen. Gender in this case does not matter, psoriasis is not a contagious disease, while the risk group is represented by persons aged 14-27 years. On the skin appears red peeling stained with white scales.
Localization is possible on any part of the body, but the most common places are the scalp, lower back, knees and elbows. Since the disease in question is chronic, it manifests itself with periods of remission and irritation. How much does the pathology affect the patient's life and how to get rid of psoriasis forever?
Reasons for submission

To understand what causes psoriasis, it is worth understanding that the process of pathology formation is systemic, both the skin and the whole human body are involved in it. The reasons are not completely clear, they can be viral, infectious, hereditary, neurogenic or mixed. Humoral and cellular immunity is activated, which contributes to the initiation of an autoimmune process of cell damage, mainly epidermal cells.
Metabolism is also disturbed, and aggravated heredity also exacerbates skin psoriasis. As a result, cell regeneration is accelerated 3-5 times, which leads to the formation of psoriatic plaques. So why does psoriasis appear, in which the quality of life is 80% dependent on proper treatment and timely detection of the disease:
- Bad legacy;
- Depression, constant stress;
- Dysbacteriosis;
- Problems with hormones;
- Allergic diseases;
- Candidiasis and streptoderma;
- Viral pathologies;
- Addiction;
- Infections of parasitic nature;
- Problems with metabolism.

The amount of rash at the onset of pathology may be considered insignificant. Studying the symptoms will let you know what psoriasis looks like in the body and how to distinguish it. Psoriatic plaque plays the role of a major symptom. This is a hyperemic area of scaly skin. Against the background of healthy skin, it looks visible and sublime. The presence of the following signs is the reason to urgently consult a dermatologist:
- Convex spots on the skin with light scales;
- Itching in problem areas;
- Excessive dryness of the skin and peeling;
- Painful cracks, blisters in the area of the palms and soles;
- Deformed and exfoliating nail plates.
Types of psoriasis
The classification of psoriasis involves the division of the disease into different types and forms. It is worth considering the following types of psoriasis, taking into account the localization of the pathology and the nature of the rash:

- Plaque psoriasis on the body is often called vulgar, common or simple. This is the most common variant, which is diagnosed in 85% of the total number of patients. Inflamed areas of the skin have a typical appearance for the disease in question - they are easily cleansed, reddened, with fever. Red skin under the scales is easily injured and can bleed. Over time, the tiles merge into the so-called paraffin lake.
- Inverse cutaneous psoriasis affects the flexor surfaces. Inflamed areas of the skin have no skin and almost do not appear on healthy skin. Localization is represented by skin folds, respectively, folds under the breast, if psoriasis in women, armpits, area of external genitalia, inner surface of thighs and skin folds in the groin. When sweat is released, the skin is injured or rubbing occurs, the condition of the inflamed areas worsens. Diabetics and children are the most common patients.
- Pustular psoriasis on the skin is characterized by more complex symptoms. Blisters with an uninfected transparent exudate of an inflammatory nature rise above healthy areas of the skin. Around the pustules thickened, inflamed, feverish red skin.
- Rupioid psoriasis in humans is characterized not only by plaque rashes but also by acute inflammation of the epidermis. The surface of the skin under the plates is bright pink and weeping.
- Guttate psoriasis in adults is characterized by an abundant number of small purple or red vesicles. The shape of the bubbles can resemble rings, teardrops, dots or dots. The affected area is often quite wide, it can be psoriasis on the head, neck, shoulders, spine, lower legs or thighs. Angina or streptococcal pharyngitis are often provocative of the development of the pathology in question.
Forms of psoriasis
In terms of forms of psoriasis, it can be psoriatic erythroderma, arthropathic psoriasis or psoriatic onychodystrophy:
- Psoriatic onychodystrophy, which affects the nails, leads to deformation of the nail plate in the fingers of the lower or upper extremities. It is possible to change the color of the nail itself or the nail bed. This type of psoriasis also leads to the formation of thickening, transverse lines, spots, spots, as well as increased fragility and delamination. Even complete loss of the nail is possible.
- Erythrodermic psoriasis in men and women develops gradually and continues with complications. This is a consequence of ignored plaque psoriasis, when the epidermis becomes very red and swollen, characterized by a clear acute inflammatory process. Itching and inflammation spread to large areas, accompanied by pain, itching, and swelling of the subcutaneous tissue. With this form of pathology, a fatal outcome is more likely than with others, as the body loses the ability to regulate body temperature due to extensive inflammation, peeling, and detachment.
- Psoriatic arthritis, in addition to the main symptoms, is complemented by an inflammatory process in the joints and connective tissues. This form of pathology can affect any joint, but more often these are small joints of the upper and lower extremities. If the disease spreads to the knee or hip joints, there is a high chance of losing the ability to move. The considered form of the disease accounts for 10-15% of all cases when skin disease is diagnosed with psoriasis.

Stages of development
How psoriasis develops is characterized by three successive stages. Every patient with the disease in question goes through it all, but with proper treatment the duration of the second stage can be significantly reduced:
- The progressive phase is characterized by an increase in the first signs and a deterioration of general health;
- In the stationary phase, there is a peak in the development of pathology;
- The regression phase is represented by a reduction in symptoms and a marked improvement in overall health.
A dermatovenerologist is engaged in the diagnosis and further treatment of psoriasis skin disease. There is usually no difficulty in diagnosing the disease, as skin lesions are of a special nature. Rarely additional laboratory tests are needed in the form of rheumatoid factor determination and complete blood count. The participation of a rheumatologist becomes important if psoriatic arthritis is diagnosed. In such a situation, it is necessary to do a radiograph of the joints. The appropriateness of a skin biopsy is observed in extreme cases, when it is difficult to make a differential diagnosis.

Quality of life
The appearance of psoriasis leads to a significant decline in quality of life. Difficulties may arise during social adjustment and in the workplace due to physical and emotional distress. Itching and severe pain can complicate the basic processes of life: sleep, body care, walking, sports, performing professional tasks, caring for the home, pets.
On the part of patients, excessive concern for their appearance often appears, they are afraid of a negative reaction from others and have low self-confidence. Pain along with itching and emotional distress often lead to social isolation, anxiety disorders, social phobia and depression.
Getting rid of psoriasis involves an integrated approach using the following categories of medications and drugs.
Creams and ointments
Ointments and creams allow you to fight psoriasis quite effectively with minimal side effects. These funds are usually applied directly to inflamed areas:

- Hormonal ointments are among the most effective, they eliminate the main symptoms and block the spread of keratinocytes. The most powerful tools in this category can irritate the skin, provoke dryness and thinning of the epidermis.
- Salicylic acid eliminates psoriatic flakes by cleansing the skin. The dosage when using this medicine is extremely important, as excessive use leads to hair loss and skin irritation.
- Retinoids are the active form of vitamin A, they are almost as effective as hormonal ointments, but the clinical effect is achieved longer. Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet light is the most common side effect syndrome.
- Tar ointments reduce the severity of negative symptoms and block the growth of skin cells. Side effects include alopecia, acne or folliculitis.
- A form of cream or gel of vitamin D. Use in combination with hormonal agents gives the maximum effect.
- Moisturizing creams help eliminate negative side symptoms in the form of dryness and itching, but they are unacceptable as the main method of treatment.
- Antralina in the composition of ointments helps eliminate scales, blocks the spread of keratinocytes. After application to the inflamed area, the product should be washed off after a while.
Tablets for psoriasis

Since it is not always possible to defeat psoriasis through topical therapy, it becomes necessary to supplement the treatment strategy with a tablet form of the medication. Side effects can increase significantly, so continuous monitoring of your overall health through testing and visiting the doctor is essential:
- Systemic glucocorticosteroids reduce the inflammatory process, swelling and itching, block the growth of skin cell activity. Side effects are extremely numerous, so Anna group tablets are rarely prescribed.
- Psoriasis all over the body can be treated with Methotrexate, which shows an effective cytostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. The body responds quite positively to low doses. Rare side effects include increased fatigue, decreased appetite and digestive problems.
- Retinoids are effective in cases where psoriasis skin disease can not be treated by other means. Among the side effects are alopecia and inflammation of the lip area. After using the tablets of this group, you can not give birth for 3 years, as retinoids provoke the appearance of birth defects.
- Cyclosporine has much in common with methotrexate and belongs to the category of immunosuppressants. Increased blood pressure and the appearance of renal pathology are the most common side effects.
- If the listed drugs can not be used due to the characteristics of the patient's body, it is necessary to prescribe hydroxyurea.
Medications that help remove psoriasis can be presented in the form of injections with the following ingredients:
- Antihistamines immediately block acute itching;
- Glucocorticosteroids in the form of injections are used if tablets and ointments with this component are not effective;
- Biological preparations are the result of the synthesis of human and animal proteins. They have a beneficial effect on the body's immune system, but their price is too high for many patients.
Application of shampoo
It is also worth considering special therapeutic shampoos, as only they can remove psoriasis on the head:
- Antifungal shampoos are effective if the causative agent of pathological inflammation is a fungal infection;
- Shampoos containing corticosteroids;
- Tar shampoo or soap is used to eliminate psoriatic scales, as well as to reduce burning and itching. It is also acceptable to add birch tar directly to the shampoo that the patient usually uses.

If the onset of psoriasis is diagnosed in time, many medications can bring the right result, the specialist will recommend the most appropriate one.

Biologically active substances
Since it is rarely possible to get rid of psoriasis quickly, dietary supplements should be taken as an adjunct maintenance therapy:
- Vitamin D is useful, as calcium is one of the most important minerals in the fight against skin disease in question and its absorption requires vitamin D. The use of this supplement in the transition phase of the active phase in stationary. the phase is more effective.
- Silicon in the composition of vitamin-mineral complexes plays the role of a sorbent that attracts antigens, and also improves the condition of the skin.
- Lecithin is able to quickly restore epithelial cells, which die in this pathology. The integrity of the skin is restored much faster, and the inflammatory process becomes less pronounced.
- Omega-3 acids and fish oil also contribute to the elimination of the inflammatory process.
Popular approaches to treatment
To increase the effectiveness of drugs, complex therapy can be supplemented with alternative methods of treatment, but keep in mind that psoriasis on the back and other areas can be sensitive to allergic substances, so you should first consult your doctor:

- Chinese green tea helps reduce discomfort due to itchy skin, plaques glow. Application is possible internally in the form of a drink or externally in the form of masks on the affected areas.
- Sunbathing can reduce the manifestations of psoriasis, especially in combination with seawater. Exposure to ultraviolet should not be direct, it is better to sunbathe in the shade. If you ignore this recommendation, the manifestations of psoriasis are eliminated only for a while, but soon the disease will return with even more pronounced negative symptoms.
- Birch tar ointment, salicylic alcohol and turkey oil should be applied directly to the affected areas for 2 hours. If psoriasis on the abdomen or back is quite wide, it is worth putting gauze on the ointment. After washing the oil, it is necessary to apply celandine solution in the form of oil.
- An infusion of flax seeds allows you to eliminate the clinical symptoms of the disease in question within a week. For one day, soak a tablespoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water, then boil, cool and drain, take in the morning before meals in combination with activated charcoal (1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight). The course should be continued for 20 days, even if the manifestations of psoriasis have disappeared. Caffeinated products should not be consumed.
- Propolis and butter in the form of ointment in a ratio of 1: 20. Mix the ingredients, boil for 15 minutes, drain and apply on the affected areas. The product should be stored in the refrigerator.
- Celery decoctions can be taken orally once a day, and a compress can be applied for 2 hours for 21 days. Three courses with a break of one week will be enough to forget the disease for a few years.
- Celandine powder and Vaseline in the form of ointment should be used for 3 days, applied to inflamed areas of the skin. After a break of 4 days, the course continues until the external manifestations disappear completely. To prepare the product, all the ingredients are mixed in equal proportions.

Prevention of psoriasis, as well as measures to prevent exacerbations, are as important as the treatment itself:
- Skin cleanliness should be monitored very carefully, use moisturizing creams based on natural ingredients.
- Monitor your general health, especially if you have immune problems. Taking multivitamin complexes is a mandatory component of psoriasis prevention.
- Regular massage improves lymph flow and blood circulation, due to which the breakdown products are removed faster and the skin is better cleansed.
- Any contact with household chemicals should be kept to a minimum. Household gloves and respirators are mandatory protective equipment if it is not possible to transfer household chores to other family members. When choosing household chemicals, pay attention to the presence of colors, chemicals and fragrances. The level of the Christmas tree should be equal to the natural one. It is also worth minimizing the use of cosmetics for skin care and decorative cosmetics.
- Often the first signs of the disease appear after a nervous breakdown, so it is important to master different methods of relaxation and self-control. The benefits of healthy sleep should not be overlooked. With frequent stress, it is permissible to take tinctures and soothing herbal teas.
- Smoking is a direct provocateur of both exacerbations and the disease itself initially. It is about smokers who use more than 20 cigarettes a day. Under the influence of cigarette smoke, immunity is lowered, blood vessels are affected and the body's antioxidant defenses are weakened. As for alcohol, it does not affect the appearance of this skin pathology, but it can worsen its course.

Psoriasis and pregnancy
Pregnancy greatly complicates the treatment of psoriasis, as the use of all medications is allowed. It is also worth understanding in detail the issue of pregnancy planning and other situations related to this period in a woman's life.
Pregnancy planning
The reproductive function of women and men is not affected by the disease. In terms of possible harm to the baby, psoriasis is not transmitted by contact, so breastfeeding and communicating with the baby will not be a problem. Another thing is the ability of the disease to be transmitted at the genetic level, but the probability is not so great - 8-15% if one of the parents is ill. The risk increases if both parents are affected - 50-60%.
When planning a pregnancy, you must first undergo another course of treatment to achieve remission. We are talking specifically about a woman, as the condition of the father does not affect the retention of the fetus. Stress should also be minimized and treated responsibly in this regard.

As for the pregnancy itself, many notice that the course of the pathology is greatly alleviated, but the symptoms worsen immediately after birth. This is due to the weakening of the woman's immune system, as the baby, in fact, impoverishes the body, absorbing nutrients through the umbilical cord. If there is a need for treatment during pregnancy, it is worth giving preference to safer means with a minimal probability of side effects. Analyze your condition and you can understand how the disease will behave in future pregnancies. Next, it is worth considering which tools can be used and which should be avoided.
prohibited | Recommended | |
Local treatment | Vitamin A-based preparations are categorically contraindicated. | Glucocorticosteroids in the composition of ointments and creams are acceptable in minimal amounts. Use on the shoulders, abdomen and mammary gland area is not recommended, as cortisone can provoke the appearance of stretch marks. |
Vitamin D-based preparations are only allowed in small amounts in certain problem areas. | Soothing and moisturizing creams have no contraindications. | |
Systemic treatment | Methotrexate and acetritin provoke miscarriage or fetal defects. Treatment with these drugs before birth requires abstinence from pregnancy for 4 months. also, such drugs negatively affect the condition of male sperm, so the rule of observance of this period applies to the male as well. | UV-B phototherapy is not harmful to either the unborn child or the mother. |
Puva therapy during pregnancy is also not appropriate, as it requires prior use of photosensitizing agents. | In severe cases of the disease can be prescribed Cycloporine, which does not adversely affect the body of the child, but may provoke side effects in the mother. |
The presence of psoriasis is not a reason to perform a cesarean section during childbirth, but it is worth considering the possibility of the Koebner phenomenon. It is about the appearance of psoriasis in areas where the skin is damaged. To date, no formal studies have been conducted regarding the degree of healing of these areas and the risk of infection.
Postpartum psoriasis
After birth, in most cases, a worsening of the pathology is observed, the cause of which is stress, fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, irregular and limited diet and hormonal imbalance. Breastfeeding is allowed, as the pathology is not transmitted to the baby with milk, however, when using medications in large areas, lactation is not recommended, as some ingredients may enter the milk.
No medicine can guarantee 100% safety for the mother and the fetus, so consultation with the doctor who manages the pregnancy is mandatory.
Although psoriasis is chronic, with a well-planned treatment, it is possible to successfully eliminate the negative symptoms and avoid a reduction in quality of life due to the numerous limitations associated with the disease.